
c/o 2020 CAS Visual Arts Students

Seven weeks ago, the Crossroads Visual Arts Advanced Studies students were in the midst of completing their CAS thesis artworks. The art classrooms were buzzing with excitement as students got closer to completing their final projects and getting prepared to install their works in Crossroads Sam Francis Gallery. I can vividly recall Charlie Kopp framing his last piece for the exhibition and witnessing the proud look of achievement on his face as he set it on the light table while the entire class looked at his beautiful series in awe. We were almost there - almost to the finish line. 

Five minutes after this moment of elation, the entire school was gathered to hear the news that Crossroads was going to transition into distance learning for the safety of our community.

At first we all thought and hoped that this was just temporary;  that we would be back in a few days and get right back to installing our show. As we know now, that was not the case, the global situation was escalating, and staying at home was the safest choice for everyone. 

Despite the obvious challenges that our CAS artists faced, they continued to work diligently on their projects. Each student put forth a large amount of mental strength and effort to make this exhibition a reality. The biggest challenge that each artist had to grapple with was how to rethink their projects for an online exhibition format. 

This online exhibition is a way to celebrate the amazing work of each of our seniors. The CAS exhibition is a testament to the amazing hardworking talented young artists in our Crossroads Community. We hope you enjoy reading each student’s artist statement while viewing their online artworks. 

Speaking for the entire Visual Art Department, we are deeply proud of the work our Visual Art CAS students have completed and invite you to celebrate their achievements with us - enjoy!

A special thanks to Roxanne Zazzaro and Bob Riddle for their on-going support of the arts.

With Love and Gratitude,

Carly Steward

Upper School Visual Arts Department Chair/Photography


CAS Visual Arts Staff and Faculty