Delilah Cappellano


The Runaway Bride, 2022

Viewfinder, script

Variable dimensions


The Runaway Bride is a series of photographs that chronicle a relationship between two women after getting engaged. After watching movies such as "Children of Divorce," I learned about essential techniques of silent films which rely heavily on body language and implemented those elements in my images. I also drew inspiration from characteristics of witchcraft, like their historical ability to conjure magical presence and power by manipulating the right tools and substances. The Runaway Bride is a perfect combination of my interest in photography and storytelling. The series of photographs was adapted from my written script and portions of the short film. My main priority within this story was illustrating the different forms of love and its consequences. The two characters, Jade and Carmen, are in action doing the same thing but experiencing things very differently. While Carmen is miserable and trapped in a relationship that isn't suitable, her partner is blissful and awaiting a happy marriage. When the union fails, Jade acts through selfishness and forces the person she loves to stay in a mundane existence. I created a stark contrast between light and dark throughout, to emphasize how quickly circumstances can change with little expectation. The sudden end to the story reflects the hectic reality of their relationship, eventually crashing and burning.

I want to thank Renée Story and Daisy Kohner for being the models in my photographs. I would also like to acknowledge Liv Kaplan for giving me the inspiration to use a viewfinder.


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