Izzy Einstein

#2_izzyeinstein - Izzy Einstein(1).jpg

Underbelly, 2021

Inkjet prints and acrylic on canvas

Photographs: 20 x 16 inches each/Paintings: 20 in x 20 inches each

Over the past year, I have often taken the drive from my house to my grandparents’ house in Cupertino, CA. On this drive, I am exposed to the underbelly of California: the odd, lonely, run down towns that occupy the middle of this huge state. Fascinated by the truths that this said “underbelly” exposed to me about the country as a whole, I decided to take a camera on the drive. I went up twice with a couple rolls of film and my friend’s Rolleiflex, hoping to capture the essence of what the various towns had previously offered my eyes. I took and printed the photos I felt were worth taking and printing, and painted that in which I felt the camera had missed.

I’d like to thank Charlie for lending me his camera, Janice for printing out my photos, and my Mother for helping me resize and frame them.


Click images to enlarge.